Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Camp Orkila Medication Information

Hey Room 21 families,

Nurse Kathy in the health office sent along the following information. Please take a moment to read:

Hello from the Health Office:

If you have already completed and returned the Camp medication forms, thank you! Please have all medications to the Health Office by May 16. You can disregard the rest of the email! 

This is a reminder that if your student will need to take medication at Camp Orkila we must have this form completed and return to the Health Office by May 1, 2017.    This includes all Over- the- Counter medication  (such as Vitamins, Pain relievers or Seasonal Allergy medications) as well as Prescription medication that they don’t already use at school.     You should only send as much medication as needed for Camp and bottle sizes should be small (Please do not send a C”Costco- size” bottle for 4 days of medication!).  All medication must be in the original container with your student’s name on it.   Medications must be in the Health office by May 16 unless other arrangements have been made with Nurse Amy or Nurse Kathy.

If you need another medication form, please let me know and I will get one to you.


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Thanks and Heads Up

Image result for middle school

I wanted to say thanks to all of our Room 21 families for coming in for parent-teacher conferences last week. It was great to sit down with you all and discuss what we've been doing in class and where your students go from here.

I wanted to remind all families that this Thursday, March 16th is the deadline for turning in your student's registration for Einstein. Ms. Flatters, the seventh grade counselor from Einstein will be coming on Thursday to pick the registration up. If you and your student have not had a chance to complete the form, please do so today or tomorrow and send the form in to me by Thursday.


Double Test Alert!

Hey Room 21 Families!

Sorry for the length of time since the last post. Last week, with parent-teacher conferences, I simply did not have a moment to blog.

I wanted to remind families that we not one, but two math tests this week. We will be re-testing Unit 11 on Thursday and we have our unit test on Unit 12 on Friday. Unit 11 was our basic geometry unit and there were some concepts the class as a whole struggled with, so we've been going back over the information. Unit 12 is on rates and ratios. Students need to be able to compare ratios, determine if two ratios form a proportion, find the unit rate and find the distance, if given the time and rate.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Parents' Night at Einstein

Hey Room 21 families!

Our students met this morning with Ms. Flatters, the counselor from Einstein Middle School. Ms. Flatters, along with two fantastic Einstein 8th graders, came in to discuss middle school with our class.

They will be bringing home a registration form, along with a class catalogue. The form is due back to me by March 16th. I'll be using parent-teacher conferences to discuss class choice with your and your student.

To get more information, you can attend Einstein's Parent Night this coming Tuesday, March 7th from 6:30-8:00. For more details, contact the office at Einstein.