Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Planet Brochures

As part of our unit on the Solar System, students were assigned an object to research. They looked up facts about their given object (planets, moons, the asteroid belt, etc.) They then took those facts and created brochures to advertise their object. 

I was so impressed by the students' work! They made great-looking brochures and they used their information to write interesting ad copy.

Have your student point out their brochure and enjoy!

Test(s) Alert!

Room 21 students have two tests coming up this week. Our unit test for Unit 10 in math will be tomorrow. Students need to know all about dividing fractions and mixed numbers, solving equations that involve fractions and spotting patterns.

We also have a unit test in Science. On Friday, students will take a test on the Solar System.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Project: Solar System

Image result for nasa poster
Room 21 families: your student might be bringing home some homework this evening. In science, we've been working on a brochure advertising objects in our solar system. If students didn't finish it in class, today, I asked them to bring it home. If you have a chance, ask your student about it. The work the class has done on these is pretty cool.

(Students will also have homework in their Springboard books tonight, which is also unusual, but doesn't look nearly as cool.) 

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Test Moved to Tomorrow

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Just a heads-up to Room 21 families: The math test that was scheduled for today has been postponed until tomorrow to allow for extra review. 

Friday, January 6, 2017


From Kristie Brown, our popcorn guru:

Happy New Year 6th Grade Families!
 We will be starting the popcorn sales this Friday, January 6th. This fundraiser helps fund the transportation costs to Camp Orkila for our students and we are in need of volunteers. The sales occur every Friday from 11:30a-1:30p during the 3 lunch recess periods. 6th Grade students come out to help collect money and distribute popcorn bags so you are not alone. An adult must run the popcorn machine though and that is where your volunteer time is needed.
Please take a look at the dates we have coming up and see if you can fill a spot. Two volunteers are ideal during a shift but even one allows us to run the sale for the day.
Here's how it works to sign up in 3 easy steps:
1) Click this link to see our SignUp on SignUp.com:   http://signup.com/go/re7zbv
2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.
3) Sign up! It's Easy - you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on SignUp.com.

Note: SignUp.com does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually.

Test Alert!

Hey Room 21 families! We've just gotten back to school and already we have a test coming at us. Unit 8--studying how to multiply fractions--is fairly short and so our unit test will be next Wednesday, January 11th.

By next Wednesday, students should know:

  • how to multiply a whole number by a fraction
  • how to estimate products of fractions
  • how to multiply fractions by fractions and by mixed numbers
  • solving multi-step story problems.
If you have a moment, check in with how your student is doing so far in this unit.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Welcome Back!

Image result for happy new year
Happy New Year! I hope all of our Room 21 families had a relaxing and fun Winter Break. I hope, as well, that students are coming back ready to hit the ground running for our new year.

We are starting new units in Science and Math and we are continuing work on the novel Walk Two Moons in Reading.

In Science, we'll be spending the next few weeks studying the solar system. We'll discuss models of the solar system, how accurate they are, how accurate they should be and we'll learn lots about the objects that make up our local galactic neighborhood.

In Math, we'll take the work we've done so far with fractions and translate that into multiplying fractions by whole numbers and by other fractions. We'll explore different ways to approach these problems and find a way that works for each student.

I'm super excited to be back at work and look forward to a focused start to the New Year.