We are ramping up our afternoon programs this week. Room 21 students will be cycling through three different classes, starting with Science. We'll be spending four weeks looking at the phases of the moon. We'll talk about the moon's position, relative to the earth and the sun. We'll discuss the nature of shadows. We'll talk about lunar and solar eclipses.
For the next week, Room 21 students will be bringing home a small additional piece of homework: they will be tracking the phases of the moon. Each night for the next week, they'll need to step outside and spot the moon. They will use their Moon Journal to shade in the moon to match how it looks in the sky.
I really want students to go out and use their eyes to find this information each night. Given that this is the Pacific Northwest and we get clouds from time to time, it might not always be possible for students to witness the moon first-hand. On evenings when they can't see it,
here's a website they can use to see exactly what phase the moon is in on any given day. Again, this is a back-up and shouldn't be used unless they can't see the moon.
Thanks for supporting your student's learning and Happy Moon-Watching!